Chair's Letter - March 2013

Subject: State Convention and More

March 01, 2013

Dear Fellow Democrats:

The California Democratic Party will hold its annual convention in Sacramento on April 12-14. Delegates, volunteers, observers, and elected officials from throughout California will gather to discuss our Party platform, issues on the horizon, and elect Party officers.

In national news, President Obama faces a challenging agenda, while locally, we have an upcoming regional meeting on March 12.


Hotel reservations are filling fast. Delegates can take advantage of a convention rate in several hotels around the Convention Center but some have already sold out.

For more information, visit the Convention Web site at 

Delegates & Proxies

For delegates to the State Convention who cannot attend, finding a proxy to go in your stead is part of the obligation of being a delegate.

Forms required for submitting a proxy can be found here.

Delegates remain responsible for paying annual CDP dues however.

If delegates are in need of a proxy or if you are interested in attending the Convention as a proxy for a Democratic Central Committee delegate please email [email protected].

In order to be a proxy for a delegate from the San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee you must be an existing alternate or associate member in good standing.

National News 

At the national level, President Obama, now officially in his second term, will be forced to contend with many vexing issues including negotiating a compromise relative to the nation's debt limit, a new budget, immigration reform, reforming the nation's approach to gun ownership and promoting economic growth to name just a few. The agenda is long and challenging and the President has already reached out to Democrats throughout the nation the help in his efforts.

To get involved or to get more information on these important issues please visit the Democratic National Committee Web site

Regional Meeting

The next regional meeting for San Mateo County residents will be in the evening of March 12 at the Transport Workers Union Hall in Burlingame, located at 1521 Rollins Road. More details to come on time and speakers.

The year ahead will be exciting and as always there remains much work to do as we prepare for the next elections and we invite all San Mateo County Democrats to participate in upcoming events and efforts to keep San Mateo County blue.

Democratically Yours,

David Burruto

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