We're throwing a party for all Bay Area progressive activists and leaders - the Big Blue Bash!
Let's get together over drinks and bites, celebrate our shared successes, commitment and power, and get fired up to keep winning elections this year!
Big Blue Bash Host Organizations:
- Sister District CA Peninsula
- Sister District San Francisco
- Sister District South Bay
- Sister District Yolo
- Swing Left San Francisco
- Swing Left Peninsula
- Bay Area Coalition
- San Mateo County Democracy for America
- Peninsula Democratic Coalition
- Democratic Volunteer Center
- Indivisible SF Peninsula
- San Mateo County Democratic Party
The event will support the following 8 grassroots groups in 4 important battleground states**:
- Michigan - Mothering Justice and We The People Michigan
- Wisconsin - Citizen Action of Wisconsin and WISDOM
- Arizona - Living United for Change in Arizona and Rural Arizona Action
- Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania Stands Up and Pennsylvania United
March 17, 2024 at 6:00pm - 9pm
Skyway Center