Subject: Election Time!
May 02, 2014
Dear Friends --
The June 3 Primary Election is almost here and there are many candidates and measures to consider.
Below is a full roster of the candidates, measures and ballot propositions endorsed by the San Mateo County Democratic Party as well as those endorsed by the California Democratic Party.
For new voters or those interested in updating their registration the deadline to do so and still vote in the June 3 Primary Election is May 19, 2014. Registering to vote is easy and can be done online by voters holding a valid California Driver's License.
To register vote online please visit the Secretary of State's Web page here.
State and Local Endorsements
The California Democratic Party has endorsed the following candidates and ballot initiatives for the June 3 Primary Election.
Governor Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown
Treasurer John Chiang
Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom
Secretary of State no recommendation
Attorney General Kamala D. Harris
Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones
Controller No recommendation
Supt. of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson
Board of Equalization District 2: Fiona Ma
State Ballot Initiatives
YES on Proposition 41 –Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention Bond Act of 2014
Authorizes $600 million in general obligation bonds for affordable multifamily supportive housing to relieve homelessness, provide affordable transitional housing, affordable rental housing, or related facilities for veterans and their families.
Requires local government compliance with laws providing for public access to local government body meetings and records of government officials. Eliminates reimbursement for costs of compliance.
U.S. Congress
Congresswoman Anna Eshoo
Congresswoman Jackie Speier
State Legislature
Assemblyman Rich Gordon
Assemblyman Kevin Mullin
Assemblyman Phil Ting
Local Endorsements
There are numerous local races and measures on the June 3, 2014 ballot in San Mateo County as well. The San Mateo County Democratic Party has endorsed the following candidates and measures:
San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, District 2
A - Sequoia Union High School District Bond Measure YES
AA - Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Bond Measure YES
B - Cabrillo Unified School District Parcel Tax Measure YES
C - Bayshore Elementary School District Bond Measure YES
D - Woodside Elementary School District Bond Measure YES
E - City of Half Moon Bay "Main Street Bridge Safety and Accessibility Act" Measure NEUTRAL
F - City of Half Moon Bay "Main Street Bridge Preservation Act" Measure NEUTRAL
Campaign Lawn Signs
Voters interested in obtaining lawn signs for any of the above mentioned local campaigns can contact the Democratic Party by responding to this email and you will be connected to the appropriate campaign.
Voter Registration
In addition to working in support of Democratic candidates in advance of the June Primary Election, the San Mateo County Democratic Party is sponsoring a vigorous voter registration effort throughout the county.
The Party will have booths at many events in local communities but will also train interested volunteers in doing voter registration at other public sites.
Interested volunteers should contact the Party at [email protected].
The election season ahead will be exciting and as always there remains much work to do as we prepare for the next elections. We invite all San Mateo County Democrats to participate in upcoming events and efforts to keep San Mateo County blue.
Upcoming Democratic Club & Other Events
When: Wednesday, May 7 7 pm
Where: Woodside Road United Methodist Church, 2000 Woodside Road, Redwood City California 94062
“Human Trafficking Close to Home” with Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen
When: Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 04:00 PM
Please join the Peninsula Democratic Coalition for an upcoming event.
While trafficked adults may come from afar, trafficked children are our own.
Where: Michaels at Shoreline, 2960 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View 94043
Cost: $16.50, PDC Members; $20, Non-Members. Includes entrance, appetizers, coffee, soda and mineral water.
Pre-paid reservations required by Monday, May 12.
For more information and registration, visit or mail your check payable to the Peninsula Democratic Coalition to:
Questions: Carol, (650) 941-8190
Peninsula Stonewall Democrats Monthly Meeting
Reach and Teach in San Mateo, CA
When: Tuesday, May 20 7 pm
Where: 144 West 25th Avenue, San Mateo CA, 94403
May General Meeting
Thursday, May 15, 2013, 7:30 pm
Transport Workers' Union Local 505 Building
1521 Rollins Road, Burlingame, CA
Paid for by the San Mateo County Democratic Party and not authorized by any candidate or their committee
Contact Information:
Mail: 751 Laurel Street, Box 702, San Carlos, CA 94070
Phone: 650-581-1350
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @SMCDems