Jan. 21, 2025 San Mateo County Democratic Party Endorses Measure A


Media Contacts:
Karen Maki, Chair
(650) 346-0467 / [email protected]

Maryann Moise, Southern Vice Chair
(650) 279-7251 / [email protected]

San Mateo County Democratic Party Endorses Measure A

San Mateo County, CA — January 21, 2025 — At their January 16th meeting, the San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee (SMCDCC) endorsed Measure A, calling for a special election on March 4, 2025, granting the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors the authority to remove an elected Sheriff for cause. This action was particularly significant because the SMDCC endorsed Christina Corpus for Sheriff in 2022.

Measure A is a critical issue for the Democratic Party because it represents our commitment to transparency, accountability, and ethical governance. As Democrats, we believe in the principle that no one is above the law, and public officials must uphold the highest standards of integrity and accountability.

Sheriff Christina Corpus's conduct, including allegations of lies, secrecy, intimidation, retaliation, conflicts of interest and abuse of authority, is a clear violation of these values. Her actions undermine the trust and respect that the people of San Mateo County expect from their elected leaders. The Democratic Party stands firmly against any behavior that perpetuates inequity, abuses power, or disrespects the diverse communities we serve.

“Measure A, on the March 4 ballot, provides a vital tool to ensure accountability in our county's governance,” said SMCDCC Chair Karen Maki. “By granting the Board of Supervisors the authority to remove an elected sheriff for cause, this measure empowers our community to address this misconduct and restore public trust. It aligns with our core Democratic values of fairness, justice, and a government that works for the people.”

The SMCDCC joins a long list of organizations and legislators endorsing Measure A including the Organization of Sheriff Sergeants, Deputy Sheriff’s Association, San Carlos City Council, SMC Central Labor Council, American Federation of Teachers Local 1481, IBEW Local 617, Teamsters Local 350, United Food & Commercial Workers Local 5, Congress member Mullin and former Congress member Eshoo, State Senator Becker, Former State Senator Hill, Assemblymembers Berman and Papan and many mayors and city council members.

We urge all voters to support Measure A and join us in affirming that San Mateo County deserves leadership that reflects our shared commitment to integrity, equity, and accountability.

About The San Mateo County Democratic Party:

The purpose of the County Democratic Party is to promote and encourage the principles and ideals of the Democratic Party and to represent the California Democratic Party in San Mateo County. The Party’s most powerful and visible action is to endorse local ballot measures and candidates for city council and school boards.

For more information, please visit: https://www.smcdems.org/

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